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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

5 oktober 2010

1/10/10 (friday) : my birthday~sweet 17th~

~ hurm,tak sangke ramai jgak yg wish besday aku,,^_^..antaranye famili,sdare mare n kwn2 aku..(kwn2 skola rendh n kwn2 sdaha)..touching gak rsenye diorng still ingt besday aku..huhu..aku rse mse besday diorg aku x wish pon,coz aq mls nk ingt besdy org..=p..sori 2 say..lain kli,insyaAllah aku ingt n wish kat korang plak k~erm,wloupon xde gift aku tetp hargai wish korang 2 sume..thanks a lot!!

2/10/10 (saturday) : my sister's wedding..

~ rmai jgak aq jemput kwn2 aku g mjlis akk aku 2..tp rmai jgak yg dtg dri yg x dtg..=)
alhamdulillah~aku pulak rse best bile diorg dtg..haha..yela,1st time kot diorg gi uma aku..raya dh x dtg so diorg kne ar dtg jmputn aku 2 kn?=p
mse ni meriah jgak..tp dlm meriah2 2 bnyk prob yg trjdi..mcm bnyk bnde yg x tratur..pening kpale trutme bride's parents ar..aku pon tension gak..huhu..tp cam x best plak nk cite prob 2 kat cni kn..kang rmai plak yg trase n sdey!!haha..almaklum ar,1st time sambut mnantu..ahakz~
tp bile sume dh abis n slesai,rse lega btol..best tetp best..hehe..semoga akak & abg zaid bahagia n berkekalan ever after ~ amiin..

5/10/2010 (tuesday) : Happy Birthday NUR HAMIZA BT MUSA!!~sweet 17th~

~kitorg kenl mse drjh 4/5 kat SKPP..kire die ni geng aku jgak ar..skrng die skola kat maahad,pontian..p/s utk ko,semoge ko berjaya di dunia n akhirat~ 

9/10/2010 (saturday) : hari bertandang ke rumah abg zaid (abg ipar)..
                                    (diorang bersanding kat simpg renggam pulak) ^_^

10/10/2010 (sunday) : Happy Birthday NUR FARAH AIN!!~sweet 17th~

~die ni plak kwn skola sdaha aku..kitorang skelas time form1 je..tpi kitorg tetp rpat smpai skang..hehe..p/s utk ko,semoge ko berjaya di dunia n akhirat~